Outstanding profiling
28 oktober, 2014 13:29 Del Del Del“ONS is so enormous that I was unable to visit all the exhibition halls.”
These are the words of Head of Marketing Wenche Brennbakk of Molab AS.
“Taking part in the trade fair is expensive, and represents a major cost for individual exhibitors. This means that being able to take part in a cooperation is a major advantage, just as we do within Oil and Gas Cluster Helgeland. We would have been unable to take part without this cooperation,” she says.
She had not attended the huge ONS trade fair before. She took part in ONS Norway last year: this was slightly smaller but had much the same content.
For Molab AS, their work at ONS involved shared focus. They helped to profile cooperation within the clusters with MIP Cluster and Oil and Gas Cluster Helgeland, and they were also actively selling their own services, from Molab AS.
The Oil and Gas Cluster Helgeland stand profiled the cluster and was visited by a large number of people, including a range of foreign contacts. Organisations wishing to sell their services with respect to the High North strategy also attended.
More than fifty companies in total form Oil and Gas Cluster Helgeland and are profiled against other stakeholders in the petroleum market. Exhibitors from Northern Norway were all gathered together in the Explore North pavilion.
“We felt that the entire profiling was outstanding. It was very well organised, with good programmes and talented people taking part.
We want to continue playing an active part in this partnership as we will continue to be part of this market. This is why we definitely have to attend ONS,” says Wenche Brennbakk.
She says that Molab AS were active in forging contacts, particularly with oil companies.
“We chatted to some people, and we also made contacts that we will be following up now that ONS is over,” says Wenche Brennbakk. “ONS is enormous, and that the people on the stands for the various companies are not the people we should be talking to. That said, they may pass on contacts to us.”
She was very pleased with the presentation of MIP Cluster at ONS, which was shown on the screen at the Momek Group AS stand.
Molab AS was often seen together with others from Mo Industripark and MIP Cluster at ONS, including Wasco Coatings Norway AS and Mo Industripark AS, as well as Miljøteknikk Terrateam AS and Miras Grotnes AS.
Categorised in: Gulesider
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