Pipe shipments from RIT
15 juli, 2015 9:13 Del Del DelOn Wednesday July 1, the first Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) docked at Rana Industrial terminal to collect 160 pipes.In the weeks to come two of these boats will dock each day to ship the remaining 20,000 pipes to Polarled.
At the same time it was the last day of shipping the pipes from the preliminary storage facilities in Kristiansund. In recent months Wasco Coatings Norway AS has prepared and washed the pipes, after the concrete coating (coating of pipes) was completed earlier in the spring. In total, they have covered 40,000 pipes, and in the winter half of these were shipped to Kristiansund for preliminary storage.
“Two PSV will arrive daily at Mo to collect the pipes. In total there are 6 supply vessels (PSV) which run in continuous traffic out to the field, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” says project engineer Teoh Chuen Seng at Wasco Coatings Norway AS.
He says that the number of pipes that each individual PSV takes to the field varies between 115 and 160, depending on the size of the ship.
The laying of the Polarled pipeline from Nyhamna to Aasta Hansteen platform, has a progress with 3.5 to 4 km per day, which corresponds to approximately 300 pipes. Work will continue until mid-August.
“Our employees are ready to work on the pipe shipment and we have had Statoil here for several days to review our procedures and inspect the pipes to be shipped,” says project engineer Teoh Chuen Seng at Wasco Coatings Norway AS.
Tags: Mo Industrial Park, Momek Fabrication AS, Rana Industriterminal, Wasco Coatings Norway AS
Categorised in: Gulesider, On the front page
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